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5 A Unit 4 小练习

时间:2015-04-11 09:46来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
  一 单词辨音 相同用s表示,不同用d表示 mask  vase  (   )  pumpkin  music  (   )  duck  brother  (   ) change   mask (   )   dance  happy (   )  chicken   pig   (    )   horse  morning (    )   cook  sitting-room (    )  else   eleven  (    )  like   music   (    )  sorry     box  (   )    she     need (   )

 teacher  these  (   )  ski    he     (    )   work     horse (   )   bird    saturday (    )

二 翻译词组


 给你找零_______________ 一个南瓜灯_________________在周日__________________

 喜欢烧菜_______________ 什么动物?_________________一个万圣节聚会_____________

 打乒乓_________________看我的面具_________________ 喜欢拼图_________________

三 选择

 (   ) 1  it likes eating and sleeping, it’s very fat. it’s a lazy animal. what’s this? it’s a __________

           a.   chicken     b.  horse    c.  pig

 (   ) 2.  do you like ________? yes, i do. but i don’t like this ________

           a.  pandas….panda    b.  panda…..panda    c.  pandas….panda

 (   ) 3.  how much is your mask?  _________10 yuan.

           a.  they’re     b.  it’s    c.  there are

 (   ) 4.  ——____________, sir?  i’d like 2 hamburgers and a glass of coffee.

           a.  what would you like    b.  what do you like    c. can i help you

 (   ) 5   mike and i ______ go to school on saturdays and sundays.

           a.  not         b.   aren’t     c.  don’t

 (   ) 6.   i’d like to go shopping _______ my mother.

           a.   and      b.  with     c.  to

 (   ) 7.   my brother and sister like _________

           a.   dance       b.  danceing    c.   dancing

 (   ) 8.   _________is your mother?  she’s a teacher.

           a.   how old     b.  where   c.  what

 四 用所给词的适当形式填空

  1.  what fruit do you like? i like ___________( peach)

  2.  i would like __________ (watch) tv.

  3.  do you like _________(watch) tv? sure.

  4.  where is your father? my father ____________ (watch) tv in the bedroom.

  5.  what can she do?  she can __________( make) pumpkin lantern.

 五 首字母填空

  1.  there’s no milk in the fridge. let’s go to the supermarket and b_______ some.

  2.  you’re so hot and thirsty. do you n________some water?

  3.  a h_______ is very big animal. it can run very fast.

  4.  please put the flowers in that v_________.

  5.  my father and i like w_________tv. but my sister and my mother d________.

 六 句型转换

 1.  they would like to watch tv.(改同意句) ________________________

 2.  they need some flowers and chocolate. (划线提问) _____________________

 3.  my parents like pandas. (划线提问) ________________________________

 4.  my parents like swimming and cooking. (划线提问)________________________

 5.  my brother and i go to school on saturdays. (改为一般疑问句)__________________________

 七 根据a,e部分回答问题

 1. where are ben and his family? ___________________

 2. do ben and his family need halloween costumes? _________________

 3. what animal masks does ron like? ______likes__________________________

 4. what’s helen’s mother’s job? _________________________________

 5. what do helen’s parents like doing in the evenings? ______________________________
5 a unit 4 小练习 来自第一范文网。

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