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4B Unit 4 Buying fruit 教学案例

时间:2015-04-11 09:46来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]

教学内容4b unit4 part b and part d
a.warm up.
   1. recite the dialogues inunit1 – unit3.
   2. say a rhyme 《my brother》
   3. greetings
4. free talk(通过师生之间交谈,复习巩固1-3单元所学句型)
t: hello, nice to meet you.
s1: nice to meet you, too.
t: how old are you?
s1: i’m ten.
t: hello, beiye. how are you today?
s2: i’m fine. thank you.
t: what’s your father’s job?
s2: my father is a driver.
b. presentation and practice.
1. take out the pictures about fruits.
review: an apple, an orange, a banana, a peach, a pineapple, a watermelon, a pear.
t: what’s this?  s1: it’s an apple.
t: what’s this?  s2: it’s a pear.
2. teach:grape
 t: do you know what’s this? (预习的学生知道怎么读)
 s: grape.
t: yes, you’re very good. read after me. grape
s: grape.
3.take out the pictures about the plurals of the fruit.
 t: boys and girls, look at this picture. how many apples are there? let’s count together.
 t and ss: one, two, three, four, five.
 t: oh, there are five apples. we can say some apples.
  teach some
learn to say some apples, some oranges, some bananas, some pineapples, some watermelons, some pears, some grapes, some peaches.
pay attention to the pronunciation.
a. s在清辅音后面发/s/
b. s在浊辅音后面发/z/
c. 以ch结尾加es, 发/iz/
4. t: if we buy some fruit in a shop, we must use this word kilo. (show the word card)
 read after the teacher.
 t:how to say 一公斤?
 s1: one kilo.
t: 两公斤?
s2: two kilo.
t: is he right, yes or no?
ss: yes.(一小部分已经反应过来的学生知道答案是错误的,就说no)
s3: two kilos.
t: yes, you are so clever! 两公斤应该在后面加上s.
5. show the phrase how many
  learn it.
and learn the sentence how many kilos?
6. t: today we have learnt many kinds of fruit, what would you like?
  s1: i’d like some watermelons.
  t: how many kilos?
  s1: three kilos, please.
  t:here you are.
  s1: thank you.
a.make the dialogues with a student as a model.
b.explain the meaning.
c.read after the teacher.
d.do the exercise with the partner.
e. ask some groups to act the dialogue.
  7. consolidation.
say a rhyme: i like fruit.
a.read after the tape.
b.read by themselves.
c.act it out.
  8. homework.

这节课上所要学生听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词apples, oranges, bananas, peaches, grapes, pears, some,kilo. 听懂、会说、会读、会写句型how many kilos?...kilos, please. 能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语i'd like some...,please.here you are. 其中单词部分就只有grapes和 kilo是新单词,其余的单词在三年级中都已学过。对于单词的拼写基本没什么问题,主要是这些水果的复数的读音有一些问题,虽然我已在课上总结了规律,但是仍然有一些学生会发生错误。学生对于老师上课设的圈套没什么防备心理,一下子就钻进去了,最好的证明就是我在提问一公斤怎么说之后,又问两公斤怎么说,大部分学生想都不想就回答:two kilo! 显然是错误的。这节课所学的水果的复数形式同样可以套用在kilo这个词上面。

4b unit 4 buying fruit 教学案例 来自第一范文网。

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