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牛津4A Unit 6 Whose gloves ?教学设计

时间:2015-04-13 09:18来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
一、教学内容:whose gloves ? (b c)
  1、能听得懂、会说、会读单词及词组,a pair of jeans、a pair of gloves、a pair of socks、a pair of shoes、a pair of shorts、a scarf、a sweater、a jacket.
  2、能听得懂、会说、会读句型whose ┄ is this/are they?
  1、能听得懂、会说、会读单词及词组,a pair of jeans、a pair of gloves、a pair of socks、a pair of shoes、a pair of shorts、a scarf a sweater、a jacket。
  2、能听得懂、会说、会读句型whose┄ is this/are they?
  1、能听得懂、会说、会读句型whose┄ is this/are they?
  step 1: greetings
  1). greetings
  t: class begins ! s:
  t: good afternoon class . s:
  t: sit down.
  2). free talk
  a. t: hello , how are you ? s:
  t: look ,what s this in english ? s:
  t: do you like this puzzle ? s:
  t: is this your puzzle ? s: no ,it isn t.
  t: is this your puzzle ? s: yes ,it is .
  t: oh ,it s xx s.
  b. t: what s this in english ? (师指着外套) s:
  t: yes .i t s a coat . it s miss zhi s.
  t: look ,what s that in english ?(远处一连衣裙) s:
  t: whose dress is this ? guess . s:
  t: is this your dress? s: yes , it is .
  t: oh ,it s xx s.
  板书 whose ┄ is this ?
  it s ┄
  t: whose hat is this ? s: it s ┄
  c. practice whose ┄ is this ?
  it s ┄
  d. learn a scarf、a sweater、a jacket.
  t: look ,whose sweater is this ? s:
  learn sweater
  同法学 scarf jacket
  e: learn a pair of jeans、a pair of gloves、a pair of socks、a pair of shoes、a pair of shorts.
  t: what are these ? s: they are socks.
  t: yes . it s a pair of socks .
  learn socks socks a pair of socks
  同法学 a pair of shoes、a pair of shorts
  a pair of jeans、a pair of gloves
  f. read the words
  g. listen and tick.
  t: this is ┄
  t: who can help me tick it on the blackboard ?
  t: i say the word , you tick it .
  h. learn whose ┄ are they ?
  1. t: boys and girls .let s have a rest . and play a game.
  t: what s this in english ? s: a box.
  t: what s in my box ? s:
  学生若猜出是单数就用t:whose ┄ is this ?
  s:it s ┄
  猜出 a pair of 就问 whose ┄ are they ?
  引导学生答 they re ┄
  板书 whose ┄ are they ?
  they re ┄
  2. practice whose ┄ are they ?
  they re ┄
  step 3: let s play
  step 4: part c
  step 5: a game.
  让一学生在讲台上背对大家,下面任一学生拿出一件衣服,当讲台上学生面对大家时用whose ┄ is this / are they ?来提问。
  step 6: homework
  1.抄写part b部分单词,英三中一
  2.表演part c。
牛津4a unit 6 whose gloves ?教学设计 来自第一范文网。

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