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4B unit2教案 第三课时

时间:2015-04-13 09:17来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
4b unit2教案 第三课时
1、听得懂会说会读和会拼写单词an eye, a mouth
2、能听得懂会说会读和会写句型who’s the…with…? he’s \ she’s…
3、能正确的听说读词汇hair, a head, an ear, a nose, with
教学重点难点:词汇an eye, a mouth和句型who’s the…with…?he’s \ she’s…的四会掌握.
 unit a at a party
an eye    who’s the boy with big eyes?     an ear
a mouth   he’s my brother.       a nose
a head
1、copy the words and sentence
2、recite the dialogue and practise
1、t: good afternoon \ morning, boys and girls.
s: good afternoon \ morning, miss meng.
t: now, it’s eight o’clock in the evening. (出示钟并把时间拨到8:00)
t: good evening, boys and girls.
s: good evening, miss meng.
二、review and practise
now you are …
(1)t: is that…your…?
s: which one?
t: the one in the…
s: yes, he \ she is.  no, he \ she isn’t.
(2)t: now i’m …
practice in pairs.
1、学习hair, a head, an eye, an ear, a nose, a mouth
t: look. this is my hair.(手拨弄自己的头发)
t: long hair, short hair, yellow hair ……(分别指着班中学生的头发或图片人物的头发)
learn to say要求照样子说一些关于hair的短语
t: look, this is my head \ eyes \ ears \ nose \ mouth
逐一出示并学习单词head, an eye, an ear, a nose, mouth(教法法同上,最后要求学生说一些关于它们的短语)
the boy with big eyes
the girl with long hair
the man with big ears
   出示单词with 学说并理解
(2)a. t: who’s the boy with big eyes?
  who’s the girl with long hairs?
… …
s: he’s \ she’s …
b. s--ask   t—answer
(1)listen to the tape and read after the tape
(2)read together
(3)read with diffrent part
(4)practice the dialogue
1、look at the picture and answer the teacher (no.1)
t: who’s the man with big ears?
s: he’s my father.
2、look at the picture2.3.4 
ask and answer each other
五、game  who’s he\she?
s1: who’s the boy \ girl with…
s 全体(猜):he’s \ she’s…
六:assign homework
1、copy the words and sentence
2、recite the dialogue and practice
4b unit2教案 第三课时 来自第一范文网。

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