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4A Unit7 It’s late第二课时教学设计

时间:2015-04-06 09:22来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
step 1 warm up
1, sing a song: go to school
2, t:good afternoon!how are you? /what’s your name ?/nice to meet you !(先教下午afternoon)
(1)t:can you count numbers?
t:count from 1 to 10,please.
t:who can count from 10 to 20?
t:let’s count from 20 to 100.(20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100.)
then look at the cards and read these numbers.
(25 35 46 58 )
(2)let’ play a game. say the time quickly.
step2 presentation 1
(师ppt出示6:30) t: what’s the time,please?
s:it’s six thirty.
t:it’s time to get up.
i get up at six thirty.(师生边说边共做此动作)
t(7:00)what’s the time?
s:it’s seven o’clock.
t:it’s time to have breakfast.
i have breakfast at seven o’clock. (师生边说边共做此动作)
t(7:15)what’s the time?
s:it’s seven fifteen.
t:it’s time to go to school.
i go to school at seven fifteen. (师生边说边共做此动作)
t:what time do you go to school?
s1: i go to school at……( 多问几人)
t:what time
what time do you…?
(have lunch  go home   watch tv  go to bed)
(work in pairs)
step 3 consolidation
1,play a game (自由造句)
t:i have two boxes.this one conterns the”time ”,the other conterns the “ action”.i need two students use” what time do you…?i…at…”to make sentences.
2,do a survey
t:this is my timetable.i want to know your timetable .please open your book to page 56.let’s do a survey.
t:what time do you ……?
s123:i ……at……(you can ask your friends.be quick!)
step4 presentation 2
t:now look at the tv.this boy is mike.this woman is his grandparents.what are they talking about?please listen to the tape and answer these questions.(出示问题并听磁带)
step 5homework
1. 读熟parta.。
例如,5:15----five fifteen
3:10  1:30   5:40  8:50  9:45
4a unit7 it’s late第二课时教学设计 来自第一范文网。

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