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江苏牛津小学英语4A Unit 7 It's late

时间:2015-04-06 09:22来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]



it’s late.





2.学会用what’s the time?问时间








1.    free talk

2.    sing a song “ten little indian boys”.



1.  show the numbers from 1 to 12.

then teach the numbers.

a . voice reading

b . group reading

c . play a game (count the numbers, when play the basketball.)

show the numbers from 13 to 19.

then teach the numbers, show them how to write.

a . voice reading

b . group competitions

c .“plus and minus”

d . try to write down these numbers.

2. teach the numbers from 20 to 100.

use the “plus and minus” to get numbers. then teach them how to write. ask them to pay attention some special numbers.

3. show a clock and give students a time .teach them how to read this time .then give them some times, ask them to try to read the times,

teach them time is “hour” plus “minutes”.

4.show a picture ,ask them “ what’s the time?” them teach the new the sentence

a.     ask and answer

b.     pair work

c.     make a dialogueread the numberscount the numbers.read the numbers


answer the questions

write down the wordslearn the new wordslearn how to read the time 


learn the new sentenceask and answer

pair work

make a dialogue


1 look at the pictures. ask and answer.

what’s the time?

it’s ….

2 make dialogues

excuse me. what’s the time?

it’s ….

thank you.

3 complete the dialogues on part c


ask and answermake dialoguescomplete the dialogues

四.fun time

look at the screen ,and count :how many people can you see?

play a game “ what’s missing?”


count the people


play a game

作业设计:1 背诵1到12 的单词

2 预习a部分的对话

板书设计:      unit 7  it’s late.

one  two three four five six seven

eight nine ten eleven twelve

教后思考: 游戏活动符合小学生无意注意的特点,又是小学生学习的重要动力,因此,游戏活动是一种良好的方法,游戏虽是学生在玩,但操控权应在教师手里,游戏的过程必须是一个愚教于玩的有序的过程,教师既要激发学生参与游戏的热情,又要控制学生的情绪,避免因学生过度兴奋而影响教学进度或打乱教学计划,游戏是为了学习而并不是为了娱乐,这就要求我们教师必须有较高的教学调控能力和教学管理水平,游戏时的课堂纪律一定要控制好,好的课堂纪律直接影响到教学效果。

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