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牛津小学英语4B/Unit9 第一教时教时

时间:2015-04-08 11:40来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
牛津小学英语4b/unit9 第一教时教时  常州市博爱路小学  高洁 教学内容:《牛津小学英语》4b / unit 9第一教时教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词  a plate, a glass, a spoon, a bowl, a table, an egg 2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写句型where’s  the/ my…? it’s …                                                           where are the/ my…? they're…3.能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语 what’s  for  breakfast? 教学重点: 1.    能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词  a plate, a glass, a spoon, a bowl, a table, an egg 2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写句型where’s  the/ my…? it’s …                                                           where are the/ my…? they're…教学难点:能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写句型where’s  the/ my…? it’s …                                                           where are the/ my…? they're…课前准备:教具准备:课前准备本课单词图片、一些餐具及食品、录音机和磁带。教学过程:step 1:  revision1.  free  talk.2.  复习句型  what’s  in /on /near …?                      there’s / there  are …       a chant:  what's on the desk?                     there's a bag.                      what's in the bag?                      there's an egg.                      what's near the bag?                      there are some hamburgers.step2:  presentation  and  practise1.  (1)a game:   利用多媒体复习学过的食品类单词。图片一闪而过,学生猜。 milk / eggs / noodles / bread / rice/sweets …教单词的拼写 bread, rice, an egg.     t: i have milk, bread and eggs  for my breakfast.  what's for your breakfast?     s: juice, eggs and ...出示单词 bread,  egg学生用what’s  for  your  breakfast?互相问答      (2)t:now, look at the picture. what's this?(多媒体出示一只苹果)                s: it's an apple.                 t: where's the apple?(出现桌子,苹果在桌子上)                   it's  on the table.                 领读  on the table                 t: what's  this?                 s: it's a banana.                 t: where is the banana?  guess!                 s: it's ...                 t: (多媒体呈现,香蕉在盘子里)                   oh, it's in the plate.            出示单词 plate,   学生跟读         (3)老师出示图片用同样的方法教bowl, spoon和glass.2.  t:  where's my watch? (课前随意将手表取下放桌上)     s:it's on the desk.     t: oh, yes. thank you.      t:where are my keys?      s: they are in the pencil case.      t: 出示句型:where is/ where are...?  it's.../ they're...       s: 跟读并操练。  3 .教师取出准备的本课图片ask and answer.     要求学生用“where’s  my / your  …?”进行问答。step3:  a short break  1.chant:(用上课初的chant 图,换句型说新chant)      where are the hamburgers?       they're near the bag.       where is the egg?        it's in the bag.        where is the bag?        it's on the desk.    2.  play  a  game.听音,让学生说出该餐具的名称,小组比赛,哪组说得既快又准确。step4: learn to say1.  学生听课文录音(图1——4)。 2.    跟读课文。step 5: a game藏一藏,猜一猜要求学生把带来的餐具或食物放在老师准备的一个包的上面、里面和旁边,另一个学生去猜,分组比赛。step6: consolidation:1. make adialogue by yourself.(教师先示范)t: what's for breakfast?s: hamburger, milk and eggs.t: where are the hamburger?s: they're in the plate.s:分小组编对话表演。step 7: homework:1.  copy  the  words  and  sentences.2.  read  the  drills  after  the  tape.板书设计:                   unit 9   breakfast where’s  the / my  …?             it’s  on / in / near  …课后自评:本课的重点是句型:where is/ are...?在教学中我认为应尽量避免人为的明知故问,所以在出示本课句型时,我采用了多媒体呈现和实际找东西相结合,先不明确物体的具体位置,让学生有思考的空间。同时,为了提高兴趣,增强课堂氛围,我运用了学生喜闻乐见的形式chant. 在本课的复习和巩固环节使用了两个chant .但是这两个chant 是针对同一幅图片运用不同句型进行的。一方面减少学生学习新chant的时间和难度。让学生易于上口。同时也教会了学生自己创作chant.本课的不足之处我认为是最后的巩固操练,应该如何使学生对句型的掌握提升到另一个高度是我应该继续关注和思考的重要问题。
牛津小学英语4b/unit9 第一教时教时 来自第一范文网。

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