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Unit7 It’s late

时间:2015-03-30 10:20来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
review unit 7 it’s late.
2.会读写短语get up,have breakfast,go to school,have lunch,go home,watch tv,go to bed,并理解其含义。
3.熟练掌握本课句型what’s the time?it’s …what time do you…?i…at…
4.会唱歌曲《go to school》
жδ2. 熟练掌握本课句型what’s the time?it’s …what time do you…?i…at…
step1 warm up
1.sing a song:《go to school》
2.free talk.
① t:look at my coat.is it too…?
② t:look at my sweater.(…)
step2 review numbers
1.t:what’s one plus one ?(2)
t:what’s four plus four ?(8)
t:what’s ten plus five ?(15)
2.spell“ 15” …检查单词
5.做游戏:数数1-100,don’t say 3、13、23…please say “hi”.
6.揭题:unit 7 it’s late
step3 review sentences
1.复习“what’s the time ?”
2.复习“shall we …?”“it’s time to…”
①t:it’s 7:40 now .shall we go to the park ?
s:no ,it’s late.
t:it’s time to have breakfast.yes or no ?
s:no .it’s time to go to school.
②t:it’s 11:15 .shall we play football ?
s:no .it’s time to have lunch now .
③ t:miss zhao have lunch at 11:15 too.(板书)and i always go to school at 7:10.(板书)
3.复习“what time do you…?”“i…at…”
①what time do you go to school?(…)
②what time do you get up ?(…)请生板书,以下同上。
④ what time do you have breakfast ?(…)
⑤ what time do you go home ?(…)
⑥ what time do you watch tv ?(…)
⑦ what time do you go to bed ?(…)
①what’s the time ?it’s …用在对别人进行询问时间的时候。
②what time do you …?i…at…用在你几点干什么事情的时候。
step 3 homework
unit 7 it’s late 6:00 6:30
what’s the time ?7:35 8:30
it’s …7:40
what time do you …?11:15
i … at …3:55 

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