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Teaching Plan of Unit 3 A purse(The second period)

时间:2015-04-12 09:26来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
1)词汇:over there, perhaps, purse, fan,  tape,crayon
2)对话: is this/that…? yes, it is. / no it isn’t.      perhaps it’s …
2、拓展目标: maybe
3、能力目标:学会问“is this/that…?”,并且能用yes, it is. / no it isn’t.进行准确,熟练的回答。
结合实际情况,在交流中正确表达“这(那)是你的……吗?”,并使用yes, it is. / no it isn’t.进行回答。
step 1 : free talk
t: show a name card to let the students know her
step 2 : presentation and practice
1、teacher asks ss questions about themselves. and then ask someone who’s the boy/girl over there?
learn and drill: over there
2、when teacher ask the ss “what’s that over there?” teacher let the student to guess: is this/that a …? to  let the ss answer:
yes, it is. / no it isn’t.
learn and drill: yes, it is. / no it isn’t. tape
3、the same way to teach word : fan
learn and drill: yes, it is. / no it isn’t.  fan
4、teacher show her bag to the ss and let the ss to guess what’s in the bag?
learn and drill: perhaps, it’s…    purse   crayon
 5、play a game: quick eyes
teacher show the things from the ss and others say quickly: it’s xx’s.
learn and drill: it’s xx’s.
step 3 : consolidation
1、listen to the tape and answer the question: is that nancy’s purse?
2、game: lost property office
step 4 : homework
1、listen to the tape
2、make dialogues with your classmates.
unit 3     a purse
is this/that…?
yes, it is. / no it isn’t.
perhaps it’s …
teaching plan of unit 3 a purse(the second period) 来自第一范文网。

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