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PEP英语五上unit 2 B Read and write

时间:2015-03-30 10:20来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
1. preparation
(1) revise some important words using some word cards, then let students spell them together.
(2) free talk
a: what day is it today?   b: it’s monday.
c: what do you have on mondays?
b: i have math … i don’t like mondays. i love sundays.
the report weekend moves. the weekend activity collects which after the class carries on the reorganization, the use sentence pattern: “what do you do on weekends? i…'' reports in the class .
2. pre—reading
(1)let the students ask and answer in pairs. practice “what do you do on saturdays? i… what about you ? i…
(2)the teacher presents the wall map, which three phrases let the student say displays three small charts which zoom moves on saturday to represent, and defers to the zoom affection the degree arrangement。
3. in---reading
(1)boys and girls, let’s read the dialogue quickly and silently, and find out the answer to the question:
what does aunt cathy do on saturdays?
then check the answer.
(2)this time let’s read the dialogue as carefully as you can, and find out the answer to the question:
what does zoom do on saturdays?
then check the answer.
(3)this time let’s read and fill in the blanks.
then check the answers.
4. post----reading
(1)let the students listen to the tape, correct their pronunciation.
(2) listen and repeat.
(3) read the dialogue after the little teachers.
(4) read the dialogue in pairs.
(5) ask some pairs to act out the dialogue .
(1) let the students work in pairs, and make up a new dialogue, then act it out.
(2) let the students work in groups, and make a survey:
what does your father/mother do on saturdays?
(3) do exercises.
homework :
(1) read and write.
(3) finish off the exercises of activity book.

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