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Unit4 Where is it?

时间:2012-10-09 15:43来源:教学设计点击:字体:[ ]

教学目标 :

知识目标: 1)运用in/on/under/behind/in front of描述物体所在的位置。

2)熟悉操练句型Where is it?It’s …学习句型Where are the…?及其答语They are…

能力目标:1)能够熟练运用in/on/under/behind/in front of 等介词及词组描述物体位置,能用Where is it?It’s …句型询问物体的位置,并做出正确回答。

2)学习句型Where are the…?及其答语They are…,能区分并准确运用Where is the …?Where are the…?两个句子及其回答。



教学重点:能用Where is it?It’s …/Where are the …?They are…句型询问物体的位置,并做出正确回答。

教学难点 :能区分并准确运用Where is the …?Where are the…?两个句子及其回答。


实践活动:小组活动、 口语交际调查

板书设计 :

Unit 4 Where is it?

Where is the cat? Where are the birds?

It’s on… They are …




In front of…

教学过程 :

Step1 Greeting 1’

Step2 Let’s sing .2’

Step3 practice the words and sentences of this Unit.10’

*T:who can read?(where is it?板书在黑板上的句子)

*T:Let’s complete the sentences ,take out your paper.

Positions Master

1.The ball is ( )the box.

2.The ball is ( )the box.

… …(见附页1)

*Ask and answer.

(1) Teacher and a student make a model.

T:where is the ball?

S:The ball is in(on /under /behind /in front of/next to ) the box.

(2) Group work.

(3) Report.

Step 4 Touch, ask, and answer. (page 45)(课件呈现)18’

*T:Look at picture1, what can you see in the picture?(学生回答)

*T: who can ask, who can answer?(问答birds ,引出where are the…? )

*Teacher write down the sentence:Where are the…?have students read the sentence and known.

*practice the new sentence.(用铅笔、书本等学生身边的东西练习这个句型,并随时纠正错误。)

*Look at the picture2, read the sentences, and the ask and answer.(这幅图画里基本是练习where are the …?They are …)


*Make a survey, and the write the sentences in your paper.

(A)The tiger is behind the tree. (B)The shirt is on the desk.

Where is the tiger? Where is the shirt?

… … (见附页2)

Step 5 Read the story. (课件)7’

T: Look at the screen. Let’s read the story.

*Look and listen.

*Listen and repeat.

*Listen and repeat again.(重点模仿课文中的语音语调。)

*Read the story all together.

Step6 Setting homework.1’

Use the sentences and words to describe your home.

Step7 Let’s sing .(page41)1’

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