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第一册 We love animals

时间:2012-10-06 09:43来源:乐学点击:字体:[ ]

1、教学内容:6种小动物:monkey, dog, duck, panda, cat, rabbit.和模仿这些小动物所做的动作。

2、学科教学目标 :

A、知识目标:使学生能掌握六种小动物的名称:monkey ,dog ,duck, panda, cat, rabbit.

B、能力目标:能够听懂一些指令,如:Act like a ……,并能做出相应的动作。




A、能听说、认读一些常见的动物单词:monkey , dog, cat , duck , panda , rabbit.


5、教学难点 :





注:T=Teacher S=Student Ss=Students

7、教学过程 :

(一) Greeting:

T: Hello, boys and girls.

Ss: Hello, Miss Shen.

T: How are you?

Ss: Fine, thank you. How are you?

T: Very well, thanks.

(二) Presentation:

(1) T: Now, boys and girls. Let’s go and meet some new friends!(让我们去认识几个新朋友吧!)

Look, children. Who are they? (它们是谁呢?)

T推出摆有6种小动物的小车(6种小动物 “cat ,dog, rabbit ,panda ,duck ,monkey”)分开排列,课前不让Ss看见。

Ss在座位上叫着:Cat ,dog (这是许多学生早就知道的几种动物)

T: Very good! We can see cat, dog and other animals. (T边说边指)

Now, let’s go and meet them one by one. (让我们一一去认识一下)

(2) What’s this?

T: Woof! Woof! (T拿着玩具狗边做动作边模仿叫)

Ss: Dog! Dog! (大部分学生喊着)

T: Yes. It’s a dog.


T: Dog Dog

Ss: Dog Dog

T: This is a white dog. (边指边慢说,加入颜色词)

Is this a white dog?

Ss: Yes.

T: Good. Act like a dog. (T先示范做)


(3) 同法教单词 cat, rabbit, panda , 并有意识地将发音进行归类,如发音[æ ],使学生逐步掌握正确的学习和记忆单词的方法。

(4) Play a guessing game.

T show Ss the cards of dog, cat, rabbit ,panda.

Ss read them once first, then T hold them back.

T take one of them in the right hand and let Ss guess what it is.

(分Zoom, Zip 两大组来比赛,猜对的组得个good )

(5) 在玩这个游戏时,加入新单词卡duck.


T: Duck Duck

Ss: Duck Duck


T: Wonderful. Now, let’s act like a duck.




T: Duck likes swimming (动作) in the ……

Ss: 水!

T: Great! They like swimming in the water.


(6) Act and guess.

T call S1 to the front and tell him/her a word. (耳语)

(Suck as dog/duck) Let him/her act like this animal, others guess what the animal is.


(7) 表演完以上所学的几种动物,T对一生耳语最后一个动物单词:monkey (猴子)学生表演完后,T就顺势教单词:monkey (方法同上)

T: Act like a monkey.

Ss do together.

T: Where do monkeys live? Do you know? (你们知道猴子生活在哪儿吗?)

Ss: 森林,丛林。

T: Yes. That’s right. They live in the forest or the jungle.We should protect them.

(8) Listen to the tape and repeat.


1. Listen and show the cards of words.

2. T say and Ss show the toys of animals.

3. T throw the toys to Ss one by one, the student who catching the toy should stand up and say the word with acting. (T把panda 放在最后扔)

(四) Culture

1、 从上述游戏引出:

Panda 是China的代表性动物,更是 China 的国宝。

2、让Ss看地图,找出 China 的位置。

3、T 让Ss说说其他国家的代表性动物。


America(美国)-------- eagle(鹰)

Canada(加拿大)-------- beaver(海狸)

T 让Ss也在地图上找出这些国家的位置,并让 Ss说说:对于这些动物,我们应怎么做?


T: I believe you. (我相信你们!)

You’re all good students. (T伸出大拇指表扬)




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