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时间:2012-10-02 11:21来源:教案课堂点击:字体:[ ]

1. Sing a song which named “Hello! How are you?”

2. --Hello! How are you?

--I’m fine. How are you?

--I’m fine. What’s your name?

--I’m _____.

1.     While greeting the child, tell the children that “How beautiful your coat is!” and so on.

Then tell them the reason is the coat’s color is very nice. By this way lead out the new materials.

2.     Teach them the word “red”. Emphersize the sound “r”, then put it in sentence “It’s ___.”

3.     By this way, teach them the other words “blue, yellow, green, black”

4.     Ask them read the words after me for twice.

5.     Game: Finding cards.

6.     Game: Guess what teacher said. (T mime, Ss guess.  Require them Answer with the sentence structure “It’s____.”)

7.     Show them an apple. Then guide them the sentence “It’s red an green.” Ask them practise in pairs.

8.     Read the text after the tape.

9.     Do activity book.
