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Unit 1 How Do You Go There ?(第三课时)

时间:2015-04-11 09:46来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
第三课时  a:let’s read   c: good to know  pronunciation
1. 能够充分理解并正确朗读对话,能完成文后回答问题的练习。
2. 能够了解辅音/p/,/b/,/t/,/d/与元音/i:/,/i/的发音规则,并能读出相关例词。
3.了解good to know部分的内容,能够辨认常见的交通标志,如:crosswalk,oneway,no entry,no bikes,turn right和no left turn。
1. 图片 2.教学挂图 3.磁带 4.录音机 

teacher’s     activities

student’s   activities


1.let’s sing!    2.let’s chant!

3. daily talk

1.let’s sing!    2. let’s chant!

3. daily talk


free talk

s1:my father and uncle wang go to work by bus because it’s cheap.my mother goes to work on foot because my home is near.how about your parents?

s2:my father…


let’s read

1.       now let’s read the dialogue and find out how sarah goes to the park.can you draw the route on your paper?

t:first,sarah can go tozhang peng’s home by bike.next,sarah and zhang peng go to the bus stop on foot.then they can go to the park by bus.

(write “first,next,then” on the bb.)

2.       read the dialogue by the students themselves and answer the questions.

3.       listen to the tape and repeat.

4.       read and act.

students read the dialogue and draw the route.

students talk about the route .

students read the dialogue and answer the questions.

listen to the tape and repeat.

read and act.



1.       listen to the tape

2.       try to read the words.

3.       find the rule.    4.read and match.

good to know   what’s the meaning?

1. listen to the tape

2.try to read the words.

3.find the rule.   4.read and match.

good to know


1.listen and read the dialogue.

2.do activity book

教后记:由于本课出现了几个生词post office,easy等,学生们一开始有点束手无策,经老师提示后学生们重又活跃了起来。今天所接触的音标尽管是第一次,他们还是学得比较轻松,觉得很容易。对于常见的交通标志学生了解得不是很多,在英语课中学一学英语的表达方式很有必要。

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