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时间:2015-04-03 09:51来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
1.i’d like go home now. ___________
2.what day is it? it’s the first of may. ___________
3.what would you like with a present? ___________
4.it’s time for watch tv. ___________
5.would you like any juice? ___________
6.happy birthday! the same to you. ___________
7.my birthday’s on thirteenth of june. ___________
8.he wants to some flowers for his mother. ___________
9.how about some milks? yes,please. ___________
10.my party is on half past five tomorrow. ___________
11.the fiveth month of a year is may. ___________
12.thursday is the fourth day of a week. ___________
13.would you like to have lunch? yes,i’d like. ___________
14.ben goes to opens the door. ___________
15.the doorbell is ring. ___________
16.it’s the 3th of july. ___________
17.jack live near ben. ___________
18.they are talk about ben’s birthday. ___________
19.we often go swimming on september. ___________
20.when is your birthday? it’s at the 1st of may. ___________
