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时间:2015-04-03 09:50来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
1._______ _______ _______ _______in the picture ?i can see many trees and flowers.
2._______ _______the_______come from?_______ _______ _______the clouds.
3._______ _______the cloud come from?_______ _______from the_______      
4._______ _______the_______come from?_______ _______ _______the water.
5.how can the water become vapour ?the_______ _______and the water becomes vapour.
6._______can i plant a flower ?_______, put the_______in the soil._______, water it. put it_______the sun.
  _______several days, you can see a _______sprout.
1.______________________________________? it comes from the vapour.
2.______________________________________? the sun shines and the water becomes vapour.
3.______________________________________? it comes from the wheat.(小麦)
4.______________________________________?yes, my father is a teacher.
5.______________________________________? no, he works in a factory.
6.______________________________________? yes, the rain comes from the clouds.
