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新目标八年级上Unit3 Section B教案

时间:2015-03-20 10:06来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
八年级(上)英语学科导学案出品人:吴春丹 审核人:关学伟 时间:2010、9、17unit 3 what are you doing for vacation?(section b)一、学习目标(learning aims)1、握现在进行时表将来的使用方法2、短语 go bike riding         go sightseeing take walks       go fishing     rent videos 3、mater the new words.二、教学要点和难点—what are you doing for vacation ?—i’m going hiking. —where are you going ?—i’m going to beijing —when are you leaving ?—i’m leaving next month.三、知识链接学习现在进行时四、学法指导reading、listening、writing、speaking五、导学过程1、review the words of unit3.2、预习课本p16—18,翻译3、熟读p17、3a,材料大意4、找出3a重要短语                                                             5、知识点①how long are you staying ? how long对时间提问,回答时用for+段时间 —i’m staying for a week.②plan to do 固定短语 plan—planning—planned     we plan to take a walk this evening.③leave for leave for +目的地(到达/动身去…)we are leaving for shanghai this week.where are you leaving for ?④excited—exciting—ed           表本身的性质     —ing          表因主语对外部的感觉interested—interestingrelaxed—relaxing六、学习小结通过本节学习,你学会了哪些知识                                                              七、达标检测ⅰ、翻译短语1、去观光          2、去度假         3、散步          4、租影碟          5、不同的事情                   ⅱ、用所给词的正确形式填空6、i will go bike       (ride)with my friend tomorrow.7、he is           (leave)for beijing next week.8、when you finish         (take)photos, please show them to me.9、i plan       (buy)a very interesting book.ⅲ、按要求改写句子10、      we are going hiking this sunday .(提问)          are you          this sunday?11、i hope you will enjoy yourself in the vacation.(写出同义句)i hope you will                     in the vacation. 12、the weather in nanjing is very hot.(提问)                         the weather like in nanjing?     13、they are going to the great wall.(提问)           are they      ?  14、they walked for two hours in the field.(提问)                    did they walk in the field?

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