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Unit12能力训练 新目标八年级上

时间:2015-03-22 09:38来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
the moon looks __1__ than the stars at night.but in fact, it is smaller than any of them.the moon looks big to us, because it is __2__ to us than any other star.the moon goes around the earth.it makes one trip about four __3__.the moon is a round ball and looks beautiful.don't you think __4__? now people know quite a lot about the moon.there is __5__ air or water on the moon so there are not any trees or animals, or people on the moon.the moon gets its light from __6__, but some places on the moon are quite dark.the days on the moon get __7__ than boiling water.the nights get colder than the north pole on the earth.( ) 1. a. big     b. bigger    c. biger    d. the biggest( ) 2. a. close   b. closer     c. closed   d. closest( ) 3.a. days    b. weeks     c. months   d. years( ) 4. a. so     b. this       c. that      d. it( ) 5. a. some    b. any      c. a lot of    d. no( ) 6. a a sun    b. the sun    c. the earth    d. stars( ) 7. a. very hot      b. very hotter c. even hotter   d. the hottest keys: 1. b  2. b 3. b 4. a 5. d 6. b 7. c

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