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新目标八年级上Unit9 Section A 3a-4导学案

时间:2015-03-26 09:42来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]

出品人:刘贵田 审核人:    时间:
unit9 when was he born
section a3a-4 
1.复习检测:translate the following phrases.
  乒乓球运动员 ____篮球运动员___   网球运动员________
足球运动员____ 多久________在1973年_______
too….to  ______在四岁时_______ learn to do sth________ 
start  golfing_______ the  great  brazilian soccer player___________
1.master the words and phrases that describe people’s experiences.熟练掌握有关表述人的经历的单词和短语。
1)listen to the tape and repeat first. then read quickly and answer the two questions:
  did tiger woods start golfing when he was 10 years old ?
  did ronaldo play for his national team when he was 10 years old ? 
student a read this article and fill in as many blanks as you can in the chart. student b, go to page 84.
3)check the answers.
4)now exchange information with your partner and fill in the chart using the conversation in 3b.
5)interview.4a. interview your classmates and fill in the chart.
6) writing.tell your classmates what you learned.
太…..而不能 ______go to the movies__________
1、deng yaping  was b_______on tune znd,1973
2、she  started l________english when she was five
3、do you know the boy c_______ john?
4、he won second prize in the speech c_______
5、deng yaping joined the n ______ table tennis team in 1988.
6、the boy is t_____ short to clean the top windows
7、the man is frombrazil.  he is a  b_______
8、she is a kind and l__grandmother
9、do you often t__ part in the school sport meeting?
10、he holds the world r __for the high jump

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