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Where are you from? Lesson94教学设计

时间:2015-03-18 09:48来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
Lesson 94教学设计示例





能够熟练运用以下句型:Do you speak English? Where are you from? I’m from China/England/Japan.etc.




Note: Pay attention to the Present Indefinite Tense, especially to the use of the auxiliary verb do.

Step 1 Revision

1 Revise Where are you from? What about you? Where's he / she from? etc.

2 Look at the map on SB Page i and ask Where's London? etc. Get the students to point to the right place. Then they repeat the names after you.

Step 2 Presentation

1 Show a card with the name of a country: eg. China. Say Chinese come from China. They speak Chinese. Repeat with other cards with different country names on them. Get the students to repeat after you.

2 Teach the students with cards I speak Chinese / English / French. Ask What do you speak? What do they speak? Then ask Where are you from? What do you speak? Help the students to answer with the appropriate language for the appropriate country. Ask What does he / she speak? Do you speak English / French ? etc. Help the students to answer Yes, I do. / No, I don't.

3 Write down They speak English. What do they speak? Do they speak English? on the Bb and compare the sentence structures.

Step 3 Ask and answer

SB Page 37, Part 1, Speech Cassette Lesson 94. Books closed ! Students listen. Play the tape again, this time books open. Students listen and repeat, then ask and answer in pairs.

Step 4 Presentation

Ask Do Australians speak Chinese? What do they speak? etc. Add the answers to the question Do they speak English?

Step 5 Read and act

1 SB Page 37, Part 2, Speech Cassette Lesson 94. Books closed! Ask Is Bob Scott from the USA? Does Bob speak Chinese? Play the tape. Check the answers. Play the tape again and get the students to repeat. Point out that in western countries, a person's family name comes last, such as Bob Scott, Scott is the family name. This is the opposite order than in China, where the family name comes first, such as in Hu Dong.

2 In pairs, have the students read and act out the dialogue. If time permits, choose several pairs to perform their dialogue for the class.

3 Do Ex. 1 of Wb Lesson 94.

Step 6 Listen and chant

SB Page 37, Part 3*. This part is optional. Play the tape and have the students repeat. If the tape is too fast for the students, then first say one line and have the students repeat it. As they repeat, pay attention to their pronunciation, intonation and rhythm. Continue this way for the whole chant. Then divide the class into two groups. The first group says the first line and the second group says the second line. Continue in this way for the rest of the chant. Then switch parts so that the second group begins the chant.

Step 7 Workbook

SB Page 114, Wb Lesson 94, Exx. 2 and 3. Read and act out the dialogue in Ex. 2. If possible, get students to make up a new dialogue. Do Ex. 3 in class.


Learn the dialogue in SB Lesson 94 by heart.

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