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时间:2015-03-20 10:06来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
unit 4 how do you come to school? 一. 教育教学目标: teaching aims:1目标语言: how do you get to school? i take the bus.            how long does it take?     it takes 20 minutes.how far is it ?            it’s 10 miles.2能力目标: 1)听能目标: 能听懂以how do you get to school? how long does it take?为中心话题的相关词组和对话           2)说能目标:能以how to get to school为话题展开对话进行交际3)写能目标:能围绕how i or how my friend get/gets to school为题写一篇60 字左右的短文.3情感目标:本单元通过对许多不同种交通工具和交通方式的介绍.让学生在这个交通和          信息都快速发展的今天有更强的交通意识为今后发展打好基础.二. 教学工具:多媒体三. 重点.难点:怎样以话题进行交际四.教学过程       :teaching procedures:step 1 revision :have a match: revise some phrases about transportation.say these phrases as quickly as they can. for example: take the bus …….step2 pairwork:ask and answer in pairs: a: how do you get to school?  b i get to school by subway./i take the subway to school. etc…….step 3 make a surveyfour students in a group.

names how does he/she get to school?                

 step 4 make some conversationslook at these pictures,ask and answer in pairsfor example:a: how do you get to school?           b:i take the subway.           a: how far is it from your home to school?           b it’s three miles.           a :how long is it take you to get from home to school?            b it takes 25minutes. step5 writingwrite a short passage about how your good friends or yourself get to school.(描述一下你的好友或你自己是如何去上学的)you can use these wordsmy home my friend’s name is   his home/her home is   …kilometersget up shower   at five o’clock have a quick breakfast leave for school……by bus……. it takes………  
