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新目标八年级上Unit3 Section A教案

时间:2015-03-23 10:30来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
八年级(上)英语学科导学案出品人:吴春丹   审核人:关学伟   时间:2010.9.17unit3 what are yon doing for vacation?(sectiona)一、学习目标:(learning aimis)1、掌握现在进行时态的构成,(表将来时)2、短语plan to do       forget to do /doing        leave for        think alont /over/of 3、master the new words in unit 3二、教学重点、难点1、—what are you doing for vacation?—l′m visiting my gnandma. 2、—what’s she doing for vacation?   —i’m going camping. 3、—when are you going ?   —i’m going on monday. 4、—when is he going ?   —he’s going on the 12th .三、知识链接复习现在进行时四、学法指导1)reading the words in unit3 by themselves.2)understanding the meaning of the sentences and articles of unit3.五、导学过程1、译出下列词和词组(1)babysit        (2)camp         (3)plan     (4)西藏          (5)徒步旅行,远足        (6)香港         (7)向远处,离开      (8)回来       (9)发送        (10)postcard                2结合内容,列举出你打算在假期中将做的事情                                                        3、例举出假期活动的固定短语                                                   4、预习课本pages13—15,并完成15页的part4.5、找出p15第3a部分固定短语                                                               6、知识点现在进行时的构成结构肯定:主语+be(am/is/are)+ving+其他       i am watching tv.否定:主语+be+not(am/is/are)+ving+其他        i am not watching tv.疑问:be+主语+ving +其他?      are you watching tv ?yes,i am.      no,i’m not.疑问;what/…+be+主+ving ?     what are you doing ?二、表将来1)—what are you doing for vacation ? —i’m watching tv at home.2)—are you watching tv for vacation ? —no,i’m not. i’m babysitting my sister. 3)—when are you going ? —i’m going on monday.六、学习小结通过本节学习,你学会了哪些知识?                                                             七、达标测试1、将下列短语汉互译1、take walks         2、help me forget problems          3、turn to         4、decide on           5、骑自行车旅行         6、去观光            7、去度假                 8、计划做果汁      单选1、the students are        the teacher a、listening b、listened c、listens   d、listening to 2、—what are you doing for vacation ,ana ?   —i’m            to tibit for a weeka、go   b、goes   c、to go    d、going 3、—is he reading or talking ?   —                           a、yes,he is   b、he is reading    c、yes,he is reading   d、no,he isn’t4、       your father watching tv?a、are     b、an     c、is    d、be句型转换1、          don’t forget to bring your english book to school next monday.(同义)                bring your english book to school next monday.2、          it’s sunny and warm in beijing.(划线疑问)              the   in beijing ?

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