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Lesson Plan

时间:2015-03-17 10:09来源:乐学点击:字体:[ ]

Linda 教案: ( Assignment for Nov. 18th) Aim: Students will be able to identify some foodstuffs and talk about likes of food.Students: Grade 1, from Experimental Primary School attached to BNU.Size of class: 48Time: 40 mins.Language: lunch, beef, chicken, hamburger, candy, etc.---Would you like some…?---Yes, please./ No, thanks. I don’t like…Assumption: The students have learned some words on drinks and foods such bread and cake. They have learned how to response to the question “ Would you like some drinks?”Procedure:1. Warm-up ( Review)How are you?What is the weather today? It’s cold and sunny.Who can tell me what you have learned last time?2. Presentation of new language itemsWe are going to learn how to tell people about your likes. (Take out a bottle of apple juice)What’s this? This is apple juice. I like apple juice. Do you like apple juice?(Ask students to guess the meaning of the sentence pattern. Then do some drills both individually and in chorus.)---Do you like tea? ---No, I don’t. I don’t like ….---Do you like coffee?---Yes, I do.……3. Identifying the foodstuffs(Demonstrate the pictures of food and then stick them one by one on the board)What is this? It’s …….Do you like….?4 Story-telling: A Lunch in the ForestI am going to tell you a story. Then, I will ask your some questions. Listen carefully.(Stick a paper clock on the board and show the time 12 o’clock.)The tiger, the king of the forest, is going to invite some animals to lunch. Can you guess who they are? They are Mr. Giraffe, Mr. Fox, Mr. Cat, Mr. Money, Mr. Mouse, and Mr. Pig. ( Stick pictures of the animals on the board around the foodstuff.) The tiger asks the animals what they would like to eat. “ Mr. Giraffe, would you like some meat?” Mr. Giraffe says, “ No, thanks. I don’t like meat. I like some grapes.” “ Mr. Fox, would you like some meat?” Mr. Fox says, “ Yes, please. Thank you.” Finally, every animal has the food they like. They begin to eat. ( make some facial expression) “ Oh---. It’s good.” They have a good lunch.( Some parts of the story is told with Chinese translation. The teacher is suggested to imitate the voice of the animals in different tones and various facial expression.)5.Questions & Answers ( in Chinese)Would Mr. Giraffe like some meat? What does it say?Would Mr. Fox like some meat? What does it say?……When they begin to eat, what do they say?6. Communicative activities: Role-play ( in pairs)( Ask some pairs of students to come in front and do the role-play)If you invite a friend to lunch, what do you say to the friend? Choose some food form those on the board.7. Homework:Ask students to draw pictures of food they like to eat for lunch to home and take the picture to class next time. 

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