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时间:2014-03-29 09:02来源:乐学吧点击:字体:[ ]

                   Seeds are buriede deep deep deep
                   In the soil the sleep   sleep   sleep
                    Yellow sun beams bright bright bright
                   Gentle breezes blow blow blow
                   Little seed begin to grow
中文:种子埋的 深、深、深。在土壤里,他们 睡、睡、睡
金色的阳光照、照、照。雨点落下来轻飘飘,微风不断的 吹、吹、吹

                       Lesson  10

Teaching  aims:1、能听懂老师的口令,并作出正确的反应。

2、 Ss can understand the meaning of the text.

3、 Ss can say the rhyme according to the actions.

Teaching  importants:teaching aims 2、3

Teaching steps:一、Oral English

1、          Greeting:T: Boys and girls ,It`s time for Class.Are you Ready?

           Ss:yes ,we are.

           T:Ok.Class begins.good morning ,boys and girls.how are you a/

           Ss: I`m fine ,thank you.and you?

           T:I`m fine ,too.Sit down ,please.

2、          Game:Riding in my car(practise oral English)

二、 Revision rhyme 4、6

1、              show a picture: six little pigs in a house.a boy stole a pig,

Can you say the rhyme ?yes .Review lesson 4

Look at the picture ,how many pigs were left?Ss: Five

What did they do?Can you tell me the story?

Together review 6

三、Presentention:1、Teach “seed”.method:T:look ,what`s this?Ss:orange

                                    T:you eat it,What`s this?Ss:seed

                             Extend:Apple seed,water melon seed,

2、              Teach “soil、bury”。Method:show some soil.T :what`s this?Ss:土

                          T:soil ,let`s bury the seeds(动作)bury


3、              Teach “seeds are buried deep deep deep”.Explain “deep”.

By doing actions.

4、              Teach:Seeds are buried deep deep deep

                         In the soil ,they sleep sleep sleep.

Method:PerformT act farmer,Ss act seeds.practise with your parter.

5、              Teach “yellow sun,raindrops,gentle breeze”

Method:Story:little seeds feel lonely,they want to come out(动作)

But they need some friends.Where are their friends?Let`s find .

Sing the song <<find a friend>>.seeds find yellow sun ,raindrops,gentle breeze.greet with each other.read and do the actions.T:say Ss:do______T:do Ss:Try to say.

6、              Teach:Yellow sun beams bright bright bright

         Raindrops falling light light light

         Gentle  breezes blow blow blow

Method:T guide Ss perform ,show the students

Let Ss guess the meaning

T lead Ss together say :金色的阳光照照照



T let Ss go back.

Practice :Play in diffriend roles Team1 yellow sun

        Team2 raindrops Team 3、4 gentle breezes

   Eg:T:yellow sun Ss:bright bright

                  8、show the last picture ;Little seeds begin to grow(动作,引导学生说)

四、Consolidation:1、Words: seeds  buried   deep  sleep  yellow sun  bright  raindrops falling  gentle breezes    blow  grow

                 method:T :I say Ss:I do ______T:I do Ss: I say

3、          Rhyme 10 (1) read the rhyme in Chinese and English

(2) Listen and repeat
(3) perform :farmer  seeds  yellow sun  raindrops gentlebreezes  (4)  Do and say together .

