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Mainly revision Lesson 71

时间:2013-10-15 09:19来源:学网整理点击:字体:[ ]
Lesson 71

Teaching procedures

Step 1 Revision

Retelling the story" Because it's there."

Step 2 Lead- in

T:Mount Qomolangma is so steep that few people couldreach the top of it, But some people still tried their best toclimb it.They made up their mind to overcome the difficulties,at last someone could reach the top of it. How great the human beings are!

Step 3 Presentation

I . The Adverbial Clause with" so... that" and "sothat"

II . The Infinitive

Ⅲ . The Attributive Clause

Step 4 Practice

I . Ask and answer

Deal with Part 1. Ask and answer in pairs.


1. So that ! could watch football on TV

2. So that she could buy her mother a birthday present.

3. So that he can visit his sick grandmother.

4. So that I can go swimming when I've finished it.

5. So that I can ask him to help me with my physics.

Ⅱ . Say what you think

Deal with Part 2 Practise in pairs

Ⅲ . Make sentences.

Deal with Part 3 Complete the sentences.

Answers: 1. that/which 2. who/that 3. who/that4. that/which 5. who/that 6. that/which 7. that/which8. who/which

Step 5 Practice

Do Exxl - 3 in wb Lesson 71

Step 6 Consolidation

Translate the following into English.









Step 7 Conclusion

I. Adverbial clause with" so that "and" so... that"

Ⅱ. The Infinitive

Ⅲ. The Attributive clause.

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