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6A Unit 1-4用适当的词填空

时间:2015-04-25 08:39来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
一 请用所给词的适当形式填空。
1 my brother is 15 _______ (year) old.
2 there _______ (be) many trees in the garden.
3 there _______ (be) some water in the cup.
4 _______ (be) there _______ (some) apples next to the basket?
5 there _______ (be) a lot of books on the desk just now.
6 there _______ (be) a pair of _______ (glove) on the table a moment ago.
7 lily and lucy have_______ (same) age, but they have different _______ (bedroom).
8 can i _______ (has) a pen?
9 the sign on the grass_______ (mean) danger.
10 what _______  they mean?  they mean no_______ (park).
11 _______ this sign mean no littering?  yes , it does.
12 there are two books on the floor. please pick_____ (they) up for ___ (i).
13 can you give _______ (he) a storybook?
14 i want _____(watch) a football match. would you like_____ (join 加入) me?
15 jim likes collecting_______ (china) stamps.
16 are you talking about_______ (we)?
17 my birthday is_______ january,1990 , and my sister was born(出生) on_______ (twelve) of march.
18 come on, it’s time ______ school.
19 my father is very_______ (excite) to see the _______ (excite) game.
20 let_______ (he) grow the flowers.
21 where_______ (be) you yesterday?  i_______ (be) at school.
22 do you want_______ (have) some bread?
23 what _______ is it today?  it’s monday.
24 what _______ is it today?  it’s sep 12th.
25 would you like _______ (play) computer games?
  no, i’d like_______ (do) my homework..
6a unit 1-4用适当的词填空 来自第一范文网。

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