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6B Unit 7 Planning for the weekend教学案例片断

时间:2015-04-20 08:41来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]

6 b unit 7 planning for the weekend
free talk :
t : may i know your name ?
s1: my name is ***.
t : what’s your name ?
s2: my name is **.
t : say sth. to me .
s3: which animals do you like ?
t : i like monkeys . do you like monkeys ?
s4: yes .
t : why ?
s4: because it’s cleaver and funny .
t : do you want to go to the zoo and see the monkeys this weekend ?
s4: yes .
t : what do you want to do this weekend ?
s5: i want to go to the countryside .
t : what are you going to do there ?
s5: i am going to pick some apples there .
t : good idea ! and what’s your plan this weekend ?
s6: i am going to see a play .

案例分析 :几乎每节课我都是以这样的自然交谈的方式开场的。英语学习的目的就是与人沟通、与人交流。通过一个自然的方式在课堂上进行英语对话,一方面可以培养学生自然而流利地运用英语对话的能力;另一方面为学生营造一个氛围,在一定的情境下理解语言,帮助学习;其次free talk 这个环节还能够顺利而且自然地导入到新课的传授。

6b unit 7 planning for the weekend教学案例片断 来自第一范文网。

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