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Unit 1 How Do You Go There ?(第六课时)

时间:2015-04-04 09:34来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
第六课时   b:let’s read   c: story time
1.能够读懂let’s read部分,并能判断短文后的句子是否正确。
2.能够理解story time的故事。
重点:帮助学生理解句型: in china/the usa,drivers drive on the right side of the road.in england and australia,however,drivers drive on the left side of the road..
1.图片 2.教学挂图 3.磁带 4.录音机 5.词卡

teacher’s     activities

student’s   activities



t:left-right-go-turn around-go,go,go.


ss:left-right-go-turn around-go,go,go.


1.let’s chant

it’s a green light.i can go.go-go-go!

  it’s a yellow light.i must wait.wait-wait-wait!

it’s a red light.i must stop.stop-stop-stop!

2.let’s do

a.       t:red/yellow/green.

b.       t:wait/go/stop.

c.       t:this is my left hand. show me your left hand.show me your right hand.

let’s chant!

ss:stop/wait/go (do actions)


students show the hands.


let’s read

1.       look at the teacher and learn the sentences.

t:now i’m walking on the right side of the road.i know the traffic rules.do you think so?

(write:walk on the right side of the road.)

(walk on the left side of the road.)

t:which is right and which is wrong?

2.       look at the pictures and find the differences

t:in different countries,traffic lights are the same,but the traffic rules are diffeent.what’s the difference between the two pictures?which picture is about china and the usa?which one is about england and australia?

3.       read the text by themselves and tick or cross.

4.       listen to the tape and repeat.

story time

learn the sentences.

ss:in china and the usa,drivers drive on the right side of the road.in england and australia,however,drivers drive on the left side of the road..

read the sentences after the teacher.

read the text by themselves and tick or cross.

listen to the tape and repeat.

story time


act out the story.

act out the story.


1..do activity book

2.listen to the tape of unit 1.


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