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时间:2015-04-02 09:50来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
unit 2 课堂复习练习
1.________ ________, is there a bookstore near here ? yes,________ ________.
2.__________is the post office, please?________ ________ ________the cinema.________ ________far from here?
  ________, it’s very far.
3.__________can i get to the museum ?________ ________go by the no.1 bus.________ ________ ________the cinema.
then________ ________for 3 minutes.the________is________the right.
4.__________the hospital?  it’s west________the bookstore.and then ? ________left________the post office, then ________ ________,________ ________ ________left.
1.___________________________? no, there isn’t a hospital near here.
2.___________________________? the bookstore is next to the cinema.
3.________________________________________________?i am going to buy a pair of shoes on the weekend.
4.________________________________________________?walk east for 5 minutes ,the museum is on the right.
5.________________________________? you can take the no.3 bus.
6.________________________________? no, it’s not far.
