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Unit 2 Where are my shoes?-Lesson 8

时间:2012-12-30 11:49来源:教案辅导点击:字体:[ ]
Lesson 8教案示例


【重点】语言项目Where are my shoes? They’re…

        词汇shoe  time

【难点】发音But where’s the other one?

        Let me help you.

        理解Where’s the other one?

        Don’t worry.





3.看图问答 [图:Lesson 7  Let’s practise]




小结:The boy and his mother are in the room. The boy can’t find his shoes. His mother helps him. Look! One shoes is behind the door. The other is under the chair.(解释the other one:I have two English books. One is on the desk. You can see it. The other one is in my office. You can’t see it now.)

提问:Who puts the shoe under the chair?


学生回答:The cat puts the shoes under the chair.

教师提问:How many questions about the shoes?

学生:Five questions.

      Where are my shoes?

      Are they under your bed?                               

      Are they behind the door?

      But where’s the other one?

      Where is it?


重点重复:But where’s the other one?

          It’s time to go to school.

          Don’t worry.

          Let me help you.


           the other one

           time (教师指指自己的手表,重复time一词帮助学生理解)

           Let me help you.

           Don’t worry.




1.Let’s practise

(1)学说两个单词beds  birds,渗透语音知识 [图片:Let’s practise]

     教师提问:How many beds are there in the room?

               What’s out of the window?

     学生回答:Two beds.


     教师板书并带读beds  birds

     教师出示词卡bags  hands  pens  legs  eggs  dogs  学生根据读过的beds和birds,认读教师出示的新词


     Where are the birds? They’re in the sky.


       参考:Where are the beds? They’re in the room.

             Where are the shoes? They’re under the bed.

             Where are the books? They’re on the desk.

             Where are the balls? They’re under the chair.

             Where are the cats? They’re under the desk.

             Where are the pictures? They’re on the wall.

2.教师提供画面(老人戴着眼镜,却问孙子:Where are my glasses?)


【板书设计 】

    Unit 2 Where are my shoes?-Lesson 8一文由优秀教案免费提供,本站为公益性网站,此教案为网上收集或网友提供,版权归原作者所有,如果侵犯了您的权益,请及时与我们联系,我们会立即删除!