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时间:2012-12-08 09:21来源:自学习点击:字体:[ ]

Words and expressions

Aid  drown  choke  ink  wire  contain  electrical  scream  witness  calm  panic  ambulance  tip  slight  chest  circulate  circulation  pulse  wound  blanket  motorcycle  sudden  bite  tap  loose  bandage  explanation  first aid  catch fire  keep in mind  roll over  in honour of  in case of  a list of



1 upside down:         2 witness:   a witness to the accident    a witness to the will

3 wish    wish sb sth      wish sb to do sth      wish that…

4 mean

  mean doing sth:     to have as a purpose or an intention;

  mean to (sb) do sth:  to act as a symbol of; represent

5 keep sth in mind

6 deal with:  1)manage, attend to                  2)to have relation with

            3)to behave towards; treat             4)to be about; to be concerned

7 stay calm

8 prepare for : to make ready beforehand for a specific purpose

9 first of all: ranking above all others.

   First of all tell us your name.

   First of all, he wrote out a long list of all the food which is forbidden.

10 no longer

11 Thw car was upside down and the driver was bleeding and screaming.

12.”It looked as if she were dead.If I had known more about giving first aid ,I could have helped them.” People who have witnessed an accident often wish that they had done things differently.

13.Seconds count in an emergency , and knowing what to do can mean the difference between life and death.

14.The most important thing to keep in mind when dealing with an emergency is calm.

15.If we were to panic ,we would not be able to help.

16.If we know how to respond ,we can save lives.

17.If we were to get hurt trying to save someone , we would nor be able to help.

18.cover…..with…     press on……

19.We should never try to revive a person unless we know how to do it.

20.We should put the person in the recovery position.










If 主语+动词过去式



If 主语+had +动词过去分词



If 主语+动词过去式


             +were to+动词原形



1.从句中若含有should, had 或者were,那么就可以把它们放在句首,与主语颠倒形成倒装,但动词过去式不可以与主语倒装。


3.词短语代替条件状语从句。常用的介词由with, without, but for等。

Intergrating Skills

1 prevent sb/sth (from)sth / doing sth 

stop sb (from) sth/ dong sth   

keep sb from sth. / doing sth

2 deal with       a great/good deal of

3 call for     Call at     call on     call on sb to do     call in     call up    call off

4.Everyone should know what to do if an accident were to happen.

5.Learning about first aid is the best way to make sure that we will not have to feel that we could have done more.

6.If a person is bleeding badly , you must try to stop the bleeding .

7.If you think that someone may have been poisoned , you should do the following.
