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时间:2013-04-21 11:55来源:教案辅导点击:字体:[ ]

Step Two   Listening  (Listening material)

  Show some pictures about air pollution, water pollution and waste pollution.


Picture 1

Air pollution


       Picture 2

Water pollution


       Picture 3

Waste or rubbish/trash


Listen again and fill in the correct information in the space below.




What kind of pollution is it?








What are the causes?

(cars, factories)

burning coal and oil

(factories)and drainage(下水道)


or people

What are the effects?

(As a result) of air pollution, many people (get sick.

We can’t(use/drink)

the water that is polluted. 

Making the environment (ugly, dirty) and even dangerous.

Find out how to deal with the causes and the effects.

Ways to deal with causes

Ways to deal with effects




We can make cars that (don’t pollute) the environment. We can ask the companies to use (modern and clean ) technology.

We can (limit) the number of cars in our city. If people get sick from air pollution, we must (help) them.





We can try to use (less water) and make sure that we (do not pollute) the water. We can tell factories that they (are not allowed) to pour water into lakes and rivers.

We can (clean) the water in our rivers and lakes.




We should (not throw) rubbish in parks and cities, we should (not buy) things that use a lot of packaging.

We can (pick up) rubbish if we see it. We can (put) more rubbish bins in our parks and cities.

(Boys and girls, from the information above, we know that protecting the environment and the animals is very important for us. We must do everything we can to protect the animals. Now,  a reporter for the magazine National Wildlife is writing an article about animals in zoos and is going to interview some animals to find out more about the advantages and disadvantages of living in a zoo. Work together with your partner. One will act as the reporter, and the other will act as the animal. Please prepare by yourselves.)


Sample dialogues:

Picture of


R =reporter, T =tiger

R: Good morning, Mr. Tiger. My name is … . I am a reporter. May I ask you some questions?

T: Sure.

R: How long have you been in the zoo?

T: About a year.

R: Do you prefer living here?

T: No, I don’t, but I have no choice.

R: Why?

T: People cut down the forest where we lived. People and buildings are everywhere. I had no place to go to. The police took me to the zoo.

R: How about your life here?

T: Very good. But I am not free.

R: Would you like to say something to the human beings?

T: I hope they don’t kill us. We are friends.

R: You are right. Thank you. Good-bye.

T: Bye.   

Picture of



  R =reporter, H =hippo

R: Good morning, Mr. Hippo. I am a reporter. My name is … . May I ask you some questions?

H: Welcome.

R: Where did you live before?

H: I lived in a beautiful place. There was a big river there. There are many beautiful mountains around it. I lived a happy life and I was free.

R: Why come here?

H: Many houses and factories have been set up there. And the water in the river has been polluted. Many of my friends have been dead. I was saved and sent here.

R: You are very lucky. Are you happy living here?

H: Happy. But I like nature better. If no pollution, I will be happier.

R: What can we do for you?

H: Protecting the environment.

R: I think we will. Thank you .

H: You are welcome.  



Picture of



R =reporter, M =monkey

R: Good morning, Mr. Monkey.
M: Good morning. I don’t think I know you.

R: I am a reporter. My name is … .

M: What can I do for you?

R: I want to know your life here. Can you tell me?

M: I am glad to. Life here is wonderful. There are many things to eat. And I can see many people every day.

R: Do you want to go back to the mountain?

M: Yes, very. I prefer to live in the mountains. Life there is more wonderful. Can you help me?

R: I think that humans will let you realize your intention.

M: Thank you.

R: Not at all.



Page  139   Talking

