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高一 Great women Period 3 教学设计

时间:2013-10-15 09:13来源:学网整理点击:字体:[ ]
Period 3


1. Get the students to know about the great woman Oprah Winfrey.

2. Let the students know what is needed to e a successful man, especially a successful woman.

3. Train the student’s ability of writing.


Step 1 presentation

At the beginning of this unit, we’re got to know about several great women, such as Song Qingling, Madame Curie, and pearl S. Back, mother Teresa and Helen Thayer. Today we are going to read about another great woman named Oprah Winfrey; Oprah Winfrey is not just a very successful TV personality in the US but also a woman who has inspired millions of people.


Step 2

Read the text careful and then do the writing exercises below the passage.

Step 3

Learn to write a fan letter, read the tips about describing people before beginning to write.

Step 4

1. Tell the students again tips about how to describe people.

2. Finish the exercises in Wb.


Write a letter to Chinese astronaut Yang Liwei in about 100 words.

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