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高一英语Modern agriculture Period 3

时间:2013-10-05 09:21来源:网友上传点击:字体:[ ]
Period 3

(一) 明确目标

1. Word formation

2. Grammar focus: the use of “it” for emphasis




Step 1

Have a dictation of useful expressions and phrases. And then check them in class.

Step 2

Come to the practice shown in the student’s book.


Step 3

Ask the Ss translate the following sentences into English.

1. _____ (众所周知)that the Olympic game will the held in Beijing in five years.

2. ____ (就我所之)more advanced technical information ____ (没引进)from abroad in the 1980s.

3. The officer stared at the soldier and then left the room ____(一言不发).

4. The servant ____(忠实于)his master and ____ his wishes.

5. ____ (为了)help the children in the poor areas, the government set up the fund.

6. ____ (最有效的方法)to protect the wild animals from dying out is to forbid hunting.

7. “GM”_____ (代表)genetically modified.


1. It is well know 2. As far as a know/was thought in 3. without any words 4. was devoted to, carried out 5. In order to 6. The most effective way 7. stands for

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