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高中一年级 Body Language Period 1

时间:2013-11-14 09:52来源:教学辅导点击:字体:[ ]
Period 1


1. Learn body language.

2. Study the language points connected with warming up. Listening and speaking.

(二) 整体感知

Step 1

1. Presentation.

Ask some students to the front and act out the correct emotions.

2. Ask students to make a dialogue in pairs using body language.


Step 2

Go through warming up and make sure the students understand it and can match each picture with the correct emotion and the correct sentence.

Step 3

Deal with the language points.

Step 4

Listening and speaking.


Step 5

Work in pairs. Act out the situations.

Step 6

Finish off the exercises in the workbook.

1. When we _____ with others we ourselves not just by words. (make, talk understand )

2. Nodding the head ____ agreement, while ____ it _____ disagreement. (mean, shake)

3. The gestures are _____ both by Chinese and English speakers as the same meaning. (have, accept)

4. Scientists _____ some research on "Touch" in different countries. They ____ Pairs of people who in college coffee-shops for at least an hour. They how many times the

People _____ each other. (touch, do, sit, watch, count)

5. In Arab countries, you using the fingers of your right hand and the left hand is not ____ at all. (use, eat)

6.In parts of Asia you must not with your feet at another person. ( sit, point)


1. talk; make; understood

2. means; shaking; means

3. accepted; having

4. have done; watched; were sitting; counted; touched

5. eat; used

6. sit pointing

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