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高一新教材UNIT 8 Period V

时间:2012-12-06 12:23来源:教学指导点击:字体:[ ]

Period 5  Integrating skills

Teaching aims:

1.      To enable the students to learn more about Yao Ming and other athletes.

2.      To teach the students to learn from those athletes and work hard at their lessons.

Suggestions for teaching:

1.      Important and difficult points:

① To enable the students to learn what makes an athlete great and successful after reading about Yao Ming.

② To teach the students how to write a profile of a sports star by using some of the words and expressions in this unit.

2.      Suggested teaching methods:

Activity 1   Lead-in

Talk about some well-known athletes.

The teacher may begin the class by asking the students to talk about their favorite superstars. The following questions may be helpful to them:

① Do you have any superstar basketball players or football players?

② What do you know about them?

After finishing this task, the teacher may introduce Yao Ming to the students by talking about the news “Yao misses title”.

Activity 2   Reading

① Get the students to listen to the profile of Yao Ming and find out:

How many points did Yao Ming score per game in the last season with the Shanghai Sharks?

② Get the students to read the passage and find out the answer to this question: Why is Yao Ming so popular?

Encourage the students to give as many reasons as possible.

Suggested answers:

(1)   scored 32.4 points per game in the last season with…

(2)   is now helping in the NBA

(3)   has great skill and speed

(4)   is a team player

(5)   learnt how to play basketball when young

(6)   working hard to live his dream and show the world…

Activity 3   Post reading

The teacher may ask this question:

What’s the most important reason for Yao Ming’s great success?

(He loves Basketball.)

① Ask the students to read the passage “ For the love of the game” and find out:

(1)   Why should these unknown athletes be respected too?

(2)   How is the spirit of the Olympic Games shown on them?

Suggested answers:

(1)    They train hard although they have to work and pay for their own trips and equipment; They only care about getting better and about competing for their country; They are proud to be part of the Games.

(2)    The spirit of the Olympic Games is shown in their love for the game.

② Discussion

Divide the students into groups of four and ask them to discuss the following question:

Do you know any other well-known or unknown athletes? Tell us something about their club, position, weight, height and so on.

③ Writing

Get the students to write a short passage about the athlete they discussed about in the same way Yao Ming is written.

This exercise can be used as homework. The following questions can be helpful:

(1)   When and where was she/ he born?

(2)   How tall is she/ he?

(3)   How much does she/ he weigh?

(4)   When did she/ he turn professional?

(5)   What titles has she/ he won?

(6)   What makes her/ him great in your eyes?

Activity 4   Language points:

① Yao Ming has more than just size.

more than 的意思为“不仅仅”, 可以用来修饰名词、形容词、分词等。

如:Hibernation is more than sleep. 冬眠不仅仅是睡眠。

China daily is more than a newspaper. 中国日报不仅仅是一份报纸。

more than 的意思还可以是“很;非常”,常用来修饰形容词。

如:If you are not satisfied with this dress, we will be more than happy to give back the money to you. 如果你对这条裙子不满意,我们将非常乐意把钱退给你。

They are more than willing to help you. 他们非常愿意帮助你。


如:I was more annoyed than worried when they didn’t come home. 他们没有回家,与其说我担心倒不如说我很恼火。

② Yao Ming is working hard to live his dream and…

live one’s dream的意思为“实现梦想”。 Live用作及物动词。

如:She has at last lived her dream of becoming an actress.


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