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时间:2012-12-30 11:47来源:教案辅导点击:字体:[ ]

Peer-assessment on group work






He\She listens to their partners carefully.





He\She understands their partners well.





He\She understand the reporters well.





He\She follows the teacher’s oral instructions.






He\She pronounces words correctly.





He\She speaks clearly and fluently.





He\She uses body language properly while speaking.





He\She uses linking words while speaking.





He\She states the topic\their opinion briefly but clearly and completely.






He\She involves himself in group work willingly.





He\She works with their partners happily.





He\She makes good preparations for group work in advance.





He\She gives their reasonable suggestions.





He\She follows their reasonable suggestions.





Comments and suggestions for improvement:


3) 自我检验(Self-testing)

  Finish Workbook vocabulary and grammar exercises. After finishing these exercises, students carry out self-assessment: I think these exercises easy\moderate\difficult

