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英语教案- My friends

时间:2012-10-02 11:21来源:教案课堂点击:字体:[ ]

课 时 教 案

第   周          星期           第    节                  年   月   日


Unit 1 My friends (1)

教 学目 的

1.      To learn the adjectives

2.      Use adjectives to describe people





The spelling and pronunciation of the new words




Flash cards, wall picture, projector, blackboard



Pencils, books




Ⅰ Greetings

Ⅱ Warming up questions

Ⅲ Presentation

1.     lead-in

Look at Miss Zhu. I am (strong). Can you give me some other adjectives?

Things                      People

Long, short                fat, thin, tall, short, beautiful,

Big, small               handsome, strong, good, clever, foolish

2.     Teach the adjectives using the wall picture and the flash cards. T may describe a situation first, encourage the students to say out the adjective, e.g. John always helps his mother feed the dog. He is a good boy. He is (helpful).

3.     Ask Ss to match the flash cards with the right child in the wall picture. Ask them to make sentences like that:

 Charlie is naughty. Or I can see Charlie. He is naughty.

Ⅳ Summary


Unit 1 My friends

Things                         People

Long, short                fat, thin, tall, short, beautiful,

Big, small              handsome, strong, good, clever, foolish

作业 设计


Following the models, write eight sentences according to the pictures in copybook①



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