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Unit 5 Can I help you?-Lesson 29

时间:2012-07-07 09:36来源:学习方法点击:字体:[ ]
Lesson 29

【课题】Lesson 29


1. 正确、流利的朗读课文对话,并理解其意。

2. 能准确朗读并且在句中恰当运用动词fly 和run。

3. 会用What can you do?询问对方能做什么。


掌握What can you do?的问答。



单词卡:can 、you、what、do、I、run。

句型卡:I can fly.  I can run.  I can catch a mouse.  I can jump.  I can swim. I can sing.  I can dance.   I can smoke.  I can walk.


1. 复习:

提问:Where is the cat?

      Where is the owl?

      What are the cat and the owl doing?

      Do the cat and the owl look like each other?

读童话故事The cat and the owl(1)

2. 导入  :

教师提问:Can you speak English?

          Can you spell the word cat?

          Can you walk?

          Can you dance?

          Can a cat walk?    

          Can a cat sing?

3. 呈现新知识:

提问:Can you run?(用肢体语言表示出单词run的意思)


      教师说:The cat can run. How about you?

      教师边做动作边引导学生回答::I can run.

提问:Can you fly?(用肢体语言表现出fly的意思)


教师提问:What can fly?启发学生说出:A bird can fly.  A plane can fly. …

提问:Can you fly? 学生回答:No,I can’t.

    Can a cat fly?          No, it can’t.   

    Can an owl fly?         Yes, it can.

A、教师说:A cat can run.  An owl can fly.   A fish can swim.

           What can you do?

           引导学生用I  can….来说说自己能做什么。

          (教师可以先用I can…说说自己能做什么,然后再请学生说)

B、学生用What can you do?  I  can…接龙问答。


   组织学生分组将这些词排列成两句话:What can you do?  I  can  run.

4. Learn to say:


打开资源中心的相关课件《Lesson 29 教学演示.ppt》Learn to say部分,学生观看。


I can see in the dark.

And I can catch a mouse.

Can you say mew, mew?



5. Let’s practise:

学生观看课件《The cat and owl.swf》。


A: Hello!I am a… Who are you?

B:I’m a…  I can… What can you do?

A:I can…


教师将句型卡I can fly.  I can run.  I can catch a mouse.  I can jump.  I can swim. I can sing.  I can dance.   I can smoke.  I can walk. 发给各小组一套,组织学生以小组为单位将句子根据意思贴到相应的动物附近。(培养学生合作意识)


6. 趣味操练:


1)A cat can fly.

2) A fish can swim.

An owl can swim.

A turtle can run.

A dog can fly.

A monkey can jump.

A rabbit can catch a mouse.

A goose can speak English.

A dog can say woof.

A bird can fly.
7. 板书设计 :

Lesson   29

What can you do?

cat(图)          owl(图)      

I can see in the dark.  I can see in the dark..

I can catch a mouse.  I can fly.

I can run.

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