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时间:2012-07-03 09:16来源:教学计划点击:字体:[ ]

lesson eight:  butterfly 
1、  听老师讲故事,喜欢和老师一起说说故事中的对话; 
2、  尝试分角色表演故事。 
i.  warming up 
1、  greetings 
2、  song:listen!let’s sing and dance with your friends. 
3、  game:butterfly(复习单词butterfly、flower等和短句it’s raining/it’s su y. flying among the flowers.等) 
t:now,let’s play a game——butterfly. when i say: “fly among the flowers.” you will fly in the circle. when i say: “it’s raining!” you will hide behind your chair. when i say: “it’s su y!” you can fly among the flowers again.o.k.? now, let’s begin! 
ii.  复习故事: 
1、   t1: what’s the name about the story?(three butterflies) 
2、  now , let’s listen the story again. 
3、  now, we’ll be two parts. one part will be the butterflies and the other one will be the flowers , ok? 
iii. 表演: 
1、  集体共同表现: 
· who wants to be “red butterflies”?(two children) 
· who wants to be “red flowers”?(three children) 
2、  初步尝试表演:每个角色各选一人尝试表演 
iv.  尾声:合着“butterfly”的音乐飞回教室(音乐起)
