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中班英语:Interesting shapes

时间:2012-08-04 10:43来源:中小教案点击:字体:[ ]
上海冰厂田幼儿园碧云部   奚春芳
双语活动:interesting shapes   活动目标:
2,感受并用英语表达各种不同的图形并大胆介绍自己的作品。 活动准备:黑板、摸袋、图形若干、范例画、魔法棒、卡纸底板、固体胶若干、幼儿能用英文说出图形的名称(square\triangle\rectangle\semicircle\circle) .   活动流程:
t: i have a apron, there’re many shapes in it. what is it?
c: maybe it’s a square.
t: there’re many different shapes. there is a big square, a small circle and a green triangle.
t: this is road. what do you see? what are the shapes?
t: you’re so clever. cici also find some shapes, but my shapes can change, change, change into what?   
t: this is my picture made of many shapes. what do you see ?  c: i see….
幼儿用图形拼画,教师巡回指导t: what is it? what are the shapes? 
t: who want to introduce your picture?
c: this is my picture, i like the tree. triangles make the tree.
t: so many beautiful pictures with so many shapes. i like them very much. because your pictures are made of many shapes and many  colors.
t: how many triangles\squares\rectangles on your picture? let’s count them next time ,ok ? 

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