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中班英语活动:K F C

时间:2012-10-02 11:43来源:教案课堂点击:字体:[ ]
中班英语活动:k f c
2、学习单词hamburger和 chicken,复习巩固句型。
一、导入go to kfc
boys and girls,do you want to go to kfc?
riding in my car,ok?let’s go !
二、新授单词hamburger ,chicken
here it is !this is kfc,come in please!welcome to kfc,sit down please.
i am an assistant and prepared some food for you.
端出一盆,拿出汉堡包问:what’s this?用不同声调说hamburger,touch the hamburger please. 拿出鸡腿问:what’s
this? touch the chicken please.
 it’s chicken ,yes or no? it’s hamburger ,yes or no?
同时出现hamburger chicken/ touch the hamburger/ chicken please.
there are some cards under your chairs,take them out please.let’ play a game.
(1)i say you do
if i say chicken/ hamburger,you can put up the chicken/ hamburger’s card.
(2)i’ll put up the cards,you say it.
(3)xx,come here please ,you say,we do it.
游戏(一)buy someing ,巩固所学单词及句型
oh,i am very very hungry,are you hungry?let's buy something ok?miss zhao ,come
here please.now ,look at us carefully,let’s begin .
教师示范:hello,miss zhao !hello,assistant ,can i help you? hamburger please.ok,here
you are.thank you.
who wants to buy something?
who wants to be an assistant ?ok,you are very very clever.
look,i have a  big box ,there are many many toys in it?do you want to have a
toy?xx,swim to me./walk to me like a cat./skip to me like a rabbit./fly to me
like a bird./run to me like a dog.
oh,it’s later now,let’s go home.riding in my car.

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