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five eggs (中班)

时间:2012-08-13 11:28来源:教学案例点击:字体:[ ]
five eggs (中班)
  cla : middle 
  teacher: mi  zhang 
  time:20 min 
  一、teacher aims: 
  1. study the word “five”, let children learn it. the pronunciation and the meaning of them. 
  2. review the words: one, two, three and four. 
  3. study the phrase: five eggs 
  二、teaching preparation 
  picture (eggs in a box) 
  三、teaching procedure: 
  t: hello ,boys and girls. 
  c: hello ,mi  zhang. how are you? 
  t: fine, thank you. and you? 
  c: i’m fine ,too 
  t: i have a riddle. who is the most clever? 
  t: gue , what’s it? 
  c: 5 
  t: yes. read after me “five, five ,five…” 
  (study the pronunciation of “five”) 
  t: let’s play a game, ok?/↑ 
  t: i’ll do the action, all of you say the english word. ok?↑ 
  c: one ,two ,three, four, five. 
  t: let’s have a change 
  i’ll say the english word, all of you will do the action. ok?↑ 
  c: one, two, three, four five. 
  (go on) 
  tshow them a box) what’s this? 
  t: let’s have a look. what’s this? 
  c: egg. 
  t: yes, very good. (往外拿) 
  c: one egg, two eggs, three egg, four eggs, five eggs. 
  t: how many eggs in the box? 
  c: five eggs. 
  t: yes, very ,very good. 
  (study the phrase: five eggs) 
  tshow them pictures, let children  eak english) 
  c: five lio . five eggs. 
  five trees five boys… 
  t: let’s go out to look for “five”

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