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英语牛津教材上海版2B-Unit3教案 UNIT 3 Let’s act Period 3

时间:2015-04-04 09:36来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
teaching aims:1.    basic aims: using imperative to give simple instructions:close the window, please.2. developing aims: using imperative in the correct situation.main points and difficult points:   use modelled phrases to communicate with other learners.materials: cassette, picture cards, the picture of ‘my room’

teaching procedures: pre-task preparation1.    listen and act. e.g. (listen) draw three cows,(act) draw, draw, draw.          (listen) clean the desk,(act) clean, clean, clean.(listen) close your eyes,(act) close, close, close.(listen) open your eyes,(act) open, open, open.….  ….2.    review the words.(1)    match the word and picture cards.(2)    read together. while-task procedure1.     learn to say: close the window, please.(1)    look at the window. it is open. the wind blows. let me close the window. repeat several times and ask a student to close the window.(2)    try to say.(3)    practise: close the pencil-box/bag/door/book…2.     learn to say:  open the door, please.(1)    ask a student to open the book. then point to a closed door and say: open the door, please.(2)    try to say.(3)    practise: open the door/book/bag…3.     learn to say:  clean your room, please.(1)    show a picture of an untidy room.  point to the and say:  this is a room. it’s dirty. what should i do? clean the room, please.(2)    try to say.(3)     follow the teacher.e.g.  clean, clean, clean the room.     clean, clean, clean the classroom. post-task activity1.    play the cassette tape. let the students listen and repeat.2.    practise in pairs. have one student give the commands and the other do the actions.  then let them change roles.3.    invite pairs to act out the dialogue. assignmentask the students draw a picture of their bedroom at home.     在富有节奏感的音乐下复习动词,做做说说。        情景介绍,自然引入。   增加操练密度。      设置情景,自然导入。        模仿语音语调,培养他们良好的语感。 动口也动手。

teaching essay


英语牛津教材上海版2b-unit3教案 unit 3 let’s act period 3 来自第一范文网。

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