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时间:2015-03-20 10:08来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
hen母鸡 chick小鸡  duck鸭子  cow母牛  sheep绵羊
pig猪  nose鼻子  orange橙  paper纸     ground地面
moo(牛叫声) oink(猪叫声)   quack(鸭叫声)  cluck(母鸡叫声)
draw画画  see看见 hear听见  frog青蛙  bird鸟
rabbit兔子  butterfly蝴蝶 bee蜜蜂 egg蛋   have got有
farm农场  animal动物
1.draw the hen and chick on the t-shirt. 2.draw the duck on the balloon.
3.draw the sheep and cow on the paper. 4.draw the bee on the egg.
5.draw the butterfly on the pig.  draw the pig on the ground.
6.draw the orange on your left arm.
7.what do you see?  i see some frogs in the water. 
how many frogs?  three.
8.what do you see?  i see some eggs on the ground.
   how many eggs?  three eggs.
9.what do you hear?  i hear some birds.
10.what do you hear?  i hear a pig.
is it thin?  no, it is not.  it is fat. 
is it pink?  yes, it is.
11.what do you hear?  i hear a cow.  is it fat?  yes, it is.
12.a cow goes “moo, moo”.  a pig goes “oink, oink”.
a duck goes “quack, quack”.  a hen goes “cluck, cluck”.
13.i’ve got a chick and a hen. 
14.i’ve got a pig and a cow.
