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英语牛津教材上海版2B-Unit3教案 UNIT 3 Let’s play Period 5

时间:2015-03-22 09:40来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
teaching aims:1.    basic aims: using prepositions to indicate positions. e.g. there is a lamp on the table.2. developing aims: to describe the story fluently.education aims: let the children be interested with the story.main points: repeat the story.difficult points: the using of the prepositions:  on, under, in.materials: cassette, the wall chart.

teaching procedures: pre-task preparation1.    sing a song.2.    free talk.e.g.  hello, how are you?     what’s this?     where’s…?     how many…?3.    read the words together.e.g.  window---windows while-task procedure1.    put up the wall chart for page 15say:  we are going to tell a story.2.    show the pictures 1 to 3 but 4 to 6.  say the sentences for the first three pictures. ask the students to guess what is going to happen.3.    uncover pictures 4 to 6 one by one and tell the students what is happening in each time.4.    play the cassette tape for the students to listen to native speakers saying the lines while they look at the pictures in their own books.5.    play the cassette tape again and ask students to repeat the story after each line.6.    get the students to read the story aloud together. post-task activity1.     divide students into groups of six. ask them to tell the story together, each member of the group reading one line.2.     workbook page 10: listen and colour. assignmentlisten and repeat the story.     通过日常问答对所学知识不断进行巩固。       情景介绍,直接引入。   听听说说,边模仿边练习。     以小组合作的形式共同学习, 共同演绎故事。

teaching essay

    英语牛津教材上海版2B-Unit3教案 UNIT 3 Let’s play Period 5一文由优秀教案免费提供,本站为公益性网站,此教案为网上收集或网友提供,版权归原作者所有,如果侵犯了您的权益,请及时与我们联系,我们会立即删除!