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Unit4 Going about 第二课时

时间:2015-03-30 10:22来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
let’s act
language focus:
1.  using imperatives to give simple instructions
language skills:
1.  locate specific information in response to simple instructions
2.  use modeled phrases to communicate with each other.
tape. recorder. pictures.
i. pre-task preparation:
1.  review some commands. ask the students to listen and act.
2.  ask: how do they go to school?
do they go to school by bus?
to elicit : bus and car
ii. while-task procedure:
1.  show picture 1 to elicit: get in the car.
2.  put two chairs in a line. ask a student to sit in the front chair, and act as a car driver. pretend to get in the car by bending over and sitting in the back chair. say : get in the car. practise with more students.
3.  show picture 2 to elicit : get off the bus.
1.ask the groups of students to line up in front as if they are ready to get off the bus. say : get off the bus.  and prompt them to walk off one by one
2.listen and repeat after the tape.
iii. post-task activity:
1.  teach the other two commands to do with cars and buses.
  get out of the bus.
  get on the bus.
unit4 going about 第二课时 来自第一范文网。

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