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2A Unit 7 Here you are 第一课时(Learn to say )

时间:2015-03-29 09:31来源:网络整理点击:字体:[ ]
一、 教学内容:
《牛津小学英语2a》第七单元,第一课时(learn to say  )
二、 教学目标:
1、 能听懂、会说a pie ,please. here you are. thank you .
三、 教学重难点:
1、 能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能初步表演对话。
四、 课前准备:
五、 教学过程:、
step1:warming up
1、 greetings
free talk
hello …
how are you?
what’s your name?

step 2: revision and presentation
t: hello,boys and girls ,i’m a shop assistant. look ,what are
these ?
ss: they’re bananas.
t: what are these?
ss: they’re apples .

t: what would you like?
s1: some bananas,please.
t: here you are.
引导学生说出 thank you.
t: good , today we are going to learn unit 7 here you are.
step 3 .practice
1. listen and repeat
2. practice in pairs.
step 4.consolidation
1. act out the text.
2. do some shopping.
step5. homework.
read the sentences five times.
2a unit 7 here you are 第一课时(learn to say ) 来自第一范文网。

    2A Unit 7 Here you are 第一课时(Learn to say )一文由优秀教案免费提供,本站为公益性网站,此教案为网上收集或网友提供,版权归原作者所有,如果侵犯了您的权益,请及时与我们联系,我们会立即删除!