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Unit5 Crossing the road(4)

时间:2015-04-01 09:09来源:网络收集点击:字体:[ ]
let’s play
cross the road
language focus:
1.  using the imperatives to give simple instructions.
2.  using objectives to describe colors.
language skills:
1.  using modeled phrases to communicate with each other.
tape. recorder. pictures.
i.  pre-task preparation:
1.  get the whole class to stand up. tell the students that when you hold up the word card for “go”, they should run on the spot. when you hold up the card for “stop”, they should stand still.
ii. while-task procedure:
1. say: let’s play a game.
put three picture of traffic lights in three corners of the classroom. each shows a different color. get a pain of students to come to the front to help you demonstrate. tell them to stand facing you in a row. ask the students at the back to close his/her eyes.
2.  explain that when you say “look at the light” and point to the picture of the traffic lights in one of the corners, the students in the front should say: it’s  then the students at the back with his/her eyes closed should say “go!” or “stop”“ or “wait” according to the color of the light he/she heard.
3.  play the game with pairs of students when they are familiar with the game, you can ask some more able students to take up your role.
4.  open your book. play the recorder. let the students listen and follow in their book.
iii.post-task activity:
  workbook page 17
   listen and color the light. then use the same color for the correct word.
unit5 crossing the road(4) 来自第一范文网。

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