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unit 12 english programmes

时间:2014-09-26 09:47来源:乐学点击:字体:[ ]
Teaching Plan

School: Tian jin Pei ying Foreign Language Experiment School

Teacher: Liu Run Hong

Date: Dec.28, 2002

Unit 12 English programmes

Lesson 45

Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the fo1lowing

Four skills: impossible, the more..., the more...

2. Everyday English

The more... the...

That’s easier said than done!

Thanks. I must try to do that.

Do you think that would help?

I'm sure..,.

Teaching Important Points:

1. Phrases:

on the radio give advice to sb. go with...

2. Sentence Patterns:

Why not...?

Why don't you...?

You' d better...

The more ..., the more...

find sth. + adj.

Teaching Difficult Points:

The use of the sentence pattern" the more.., the more...”

Ability Aim:

Train the students' listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities through teaching this dialogite

Teaching Methods:

1. Interactions among students.

2. Listening -and-answer activity to help the students to go through with the dialogue.

Teaching Aids:

A tape-recorder, computer, pictures and so on.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Greeting

Step 2. Revision arid Presentation

1. Fill in the blanks with verbs in their proper forms,

2. Find a right word from the passage in lesson 34 for some phrases.

3. Ask-and -answer activity to revise the contents of" American Country Music"

Step 3. Presentation and practice

Present Part 3 and Part. 2 with some particular situations and then get the students to practise.

1. What do you find hardest in English?

Which is the hardest part about learning English (for you)?

I find reading really hard.

find sth. /sb. +adj./n. /adv./ prep.


I find it difficult to believe you.

I found her an easy woman to work with.

When we arrived, we found him in bed.

2. The more... the more....

The more you listen to English, the easier it becomes =if you listen to English more, it will become easier

The more you read, the faster you can read.

3. Give advice to sb.

Why not ...?

You’d better...

Why don’t you...?

I suggest you do...?

Have you considered doing...?

Suggested answers

Good idea!

That’s a good idea.

Thanks. I must try to do that.

Talk about the problems you have in pairs. Then give each other advice, using the expressions shown on the screen,

Step 4. Dialogue

1. Listen to the tape and get the students to answer some questions.

2. Read the dialogue and write down the frill sentences for four ways of learning English, using the following structures:

Why don't you..?

Why not...?

You'd better

Have you considered...?

3. Teacher explains difficult and important points.

That's easier said than done. (an idiom) =it's very difficult to carry out that suggestion.

Books to go with them. =Books that accompany the tapes.

go with; to match

e.g. He wants a pair of trousers to go with the sweater.

4. Practice and Consolidation

Listen to the tape and recite the dialogues

Step 5. Writing

Write a passage on how to improve listening

Situation: You have a friend, he finds listening really hard. Sometimes it's just impossible to understand. Can yon give advice to your friends?

Step 6. Homework

Write a passage on how to improve speaking, reading and writing.

The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard

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